Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Way to go Mom!

My mom is an incredible woman. If she wants to do something, she'll find a way to get it done. But when she got the invitation to join some friends in training for a half-marathon, she worried it was a task she couldn't complete. While I was home for a few weeks over the summer, I watched as my mom dutifully stuck by her training schedule (permanently affixed on our refrigerator), filling out her mileage after every run. When she started out, she worried she wouldn't be able to hit 5 miles...then it was 7...then it was 10...then she didn't know if she could get those last 3.1.

I am so proud to announce that last weekend, after 2 hours and 27 minutes, my mom crossed the finish line of her first half-marathon!!! I was so proud to see her hit new heights she never knew she could reach. And now she's raising the bar even farther--she's already making plans for her first marathon next October!

I've always wondered if I could do a marathon, and after seeing my mom's success I know I at least want to try. But, my mom taught me to run for the right reasons. For her, running is therapeutic. She has to stay disciplined, pacing herself to the finish line. She's constantly running around, multi-tasking between work, family, and other obligations, but when she's out running--everything stops. Running's not about a number on a stop watch, a scale, or a number of miles, it's about being happy and healthy. There's no time in life to waste worrying about all the numbers, but there's certainly time to get out and run!

Congrats mom! Not just for crossing the finish line, but for finding your healthy getaway.

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