Friday, January 25, 2008

Healthy Holiday Round-up: February style

While interning this summer, I was eager for opportunities to write, so when the web editor at Positive Thinking asked if I'd like to write a "10 Things to do in July" article, I responded with an emphatic yes! When the summer was over, he gave me opportunity to make it a monthly column (another emphatic yes!). An unforeseen side effect? It has given me a wealth of random facts and information (and to my friends dismay, an endless supply of "Hey guys, did you know that today/this week/this month is...?" questions). "10 Things to do in February" will be coming out soon, but I thought I'd take up some web space here for a few healthy observances that didn't make the 10-count cut.

National Carrot Day (February 3rd)
This low-cal snack (35 per 100 g serving) is loaded with Vitamin A, C, Folate, Iron and Potassium. With 3 grams of dietary fiber and 0 grams fat, carrots are a great option for healthy weight loss snacking.

National Frozen Yogurt Day (February 6th)
I just like any national holiday that says I can eat sweets, guilt-free! There are tons of great picks out there for delicious fro-yo and low-fat frozen treats--from chains like Tasty D-Lite and Pinkberry, to store-bought faves like Skinny Cow sandwiches and Smart Ones Sundaes. So treat yourself to a tasty treat in honor of the national holiday!

Pistachio Day (February 26th)
Go nuts for these nuts! 1 ounce (about 49 kernels) weighs in at 160 calories, and is packed with 13 grams of healthy fat (only 2 grams of the saturated stuff) and 3 grams of fiber--making it a perfect mid-afternoon snack. Added bonus? Their natural safety lock for fast snackers! Taking time to open each shell slows down your munching, helping you to satisfy your hunger without going overboard.

And for the finale, the month-long celebration...

Sweet Potato Month

(for full effect, this should be read with a Bud Light's "Real American Hero" pizazz. You know, like one of these):

This February we salute you sweet potato. Often forgotten and neglected, thought of as nothing but turkey's side dish, you swallow your pride every Thanksgiving and forgo your naturally delicious flavor to be dressed in melted marshmallows. How do people not see that you are best Au natural? A fully-equipped, mid-sized complex carb, complete with 103 calories, 4 grams fiber, 438% daily value of Vitamin A and 37% of Vitamin C (fat and sodium not included)--you in your most basic, baked state are a dieters dream. So this month, we salute you, sweet potato, because you truly are an under appreciated tator.

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