Thursday, December 27, 2007

All it takes is...nothing!

Whenever I hear of easy dieting tips to make a different without drastically changing my routine, I'm all for it. After reading these "Nine surprising slim-down tricks" by Good Housekeeping's Jim Karas, I thought they were good enough to share.

#2 and #5 were completely new to me (and I'm not sure if taking a walk outside will curb my sweet tooth), but I was already a big fan of #7.

What's your favorite do-nothing dieting trick?


Jim Karas said...

Hey Jen:

It's Jim Karas. I wrote that article ages ago. What were #2, #5 and #7?

Have you checked out my new book, "The Cardio-Free Diet?" It's provocative, but makes a lot of sense, especially when you read all the research that says you should NEVER perform classic cardio again.

Jim Karas

Jen Ator said...

#2 was turning down the tunes (which makes a lot of sense when you stop and think about it) and #5 was getting outside to increase seratonin levels (it seems great, but I have to think I'll still have my sweet tooth cravings). #7 was putting down your fork after every bite--I've been doing this for awhile now, and it definitely makes a huge difference.

I haven't seen your book, I'll definitely have to try to grab a copy.

Thanks for checking out my blog!